The Book of Judges

The Book of Judges…19/6/14

Bible text Judges Bible is a history book.

It is full of real people, who lived in real time, through real events/experiences at real places. It is not myth nor is it fairy/folk tales. It is simply God’s story. The Bible is the only book that present the history of what happened before the universe began and events that will unfold when the universe is no more. The Bible record events without the historians present. Normally, history is record of what the historians have seen or heard, history before any historians could was made is spectacular.

That makes the Bible a unique and intriguing book to read by everyone; scholars especially. That is like a prelude to the book I would like to introduce us to: The book of Judges. This is a book of history. History of: Personality e.g Samson, Gideon, Deborah;  Peoples e.g nations; Pattern e.g Israel did evil in God’s sight and He sold them to the oppressor; Purpose e.g people did what was best in their own eyes… Human view of the book of Judges:  No purpose;  History going nowhere;  cyclical pattern; History repeating itself God’s view of the book of Judges:  History is linear (in line)  It is from the past, through the present; into the future. God is moving History to His own planned ending.

History is His-Story and He is the one writing it. Seven times in Judges the same thing happened again and again. Which is typical, away from the Lord; life is around and about. Wake up, eat, go to work, come back, watch TV, go to sleep, wake up… and you live it again and again until 60 -80 and it is over and back to where it all started. Whereas when you are in line with God, your life has a purpose and it is going somewhere. God is the one writing the story; you have to be on his side.

So the book of Judges is about; • People away from God • Did not obey God • Oppressed • Cried out to God • He delivered them • They went back and disobeyed God again. • Life in Circle… in fact in spiral… Not just circle. The question is life a circle or a line for you?

Get in touch with the Story writer and let Him give a better part. Let God make a beautiful story out of you. That is what Redemption does; it gets you off the roundabout and gets you in line with God, who works out purpose for you. This I hope will inspire you to go and read the book of Judges. As we proceed next time to asking vital questions on why was the book written and we will be blessed by it.